Learning From the Source
Learning From the Source
Technology is such a powerful tool for growth and learning, and today I was reminded of just how transformative it can be. I had the honor of a private class with my Teacher, Kuk Sa Nim De Alba, the Founder of Modern FaRang Mu Sul. After 32 years in martial arts, I’m still like a student on day one, grateful, motivated, and inspired by every lesson.
FaRang Mu Sul is a unique art, a versatile system of self-defense that beautifully merges the wisdom of the past with the needs of the present and the possibilities of the future. Training with the originator of this art is beyond a privilege; it’s a reminder of the legacy we carry as martial artists and the responsibility to constantly evolve and refine.
Nothing is ever taken for granted, and every second spent learning feels like a gift. I’m so thankful to have this time for growth, family, and wisdom. This journey is endless, and I’m here for it.
#ModernFarangMuSul #MartialArtsLife #SelfDefenseJourney #AlwaysAStudent #GratitudeInGrowth #MartialArtsTraining #LearnFromTheBest #TraditionalMartialArts #EvolvingLegacy #KukSaNim #MartialInspiration #PINTOMARTIALARTS #nelsonpinto #koreanmartialarts @highligh