Historical promotional Modern FaRang Mu Sul Black Belt Testings #49th in Hollister, California - July 17th, 2022
Hello World from Florida, USA :)
Very happy and so proud of my FMS family, this was for sure a historical event, so much decades if not hundreds of years of sacrifice and dedication between all the participants, that came from all over USA and overseas. It was the 1st time in FMS history that we had the biggest group testing for Master ranks, the 1st Women tested for Master rank (Master Katarzyna Klepczyk of FMS Poland), not to say that Master Patrick Schleeter (FMS-Hollister, CA) and I were the 1st ones to complete the FMS Curriculum and tested for the rare 6th Dan (Head Master), is been a decade since the last time we both tested.
Also congratulations to all of you: Master Joe Gumina (FMS WHQ Santa Rosa, CA), Master Dennis Vega (FMS Puerto Rico) 4th Dan, Master Dr. Michael Nickels (FMS Pennsylvania) 4th Dan, Master Neal Kelso (FMS Hollister) 4th Dan, Master Michael Amaral (FMS Hollister) 4th Dan, Inst. Brandon De Alba (who also tested for his brother Thomas De Alba in Heaven, this for me was emotional, I’m very proud of you SBN Brandon - FMS WHQ Santa Rosa, CA) 3rd Dan, and Inst. Antonio Castro (FMS WHQ Santa Rosa, CA) 1st Dan that did an amazing Black Belt testing with 62 years young, so much better that many youngsters, you demonstrated lots of heart.
To throw to the mix, we had the special presence of Prof. Carlos Navarro and Grand Master Rubie Navarro (Kenpo Navarro), for those that don't know, Prof. Carlos Navarro was my Teacher’s Grand Master De Alba first martial arts teacher, such a honor to have you in our BB testing.
I would like to say thank you to my Teacher, my dear wife, family, friends and students that stood by my side, for these last 29 years in my humble martial arts journey, all the support you gave it made all the difference.
To all of you, keep training hard, be kind and follow your heart.
Farang 4 Ever!
Soo Suk Kwan Jang Pinto